Set in the not so distant future, Dust establishes a dark world run by mega corporations focused on ushering in an era of evil through the use of nano technology. Antoine, a cyberpunk analyst, has been hired to find a new designer drug which is programmed with occult powers. What he soon discovers is that once you give in to the dark side, there is no turning back.
Set in the not so distant future, Dust establishes a dark world run by mega corporations focused on ushering in an era of evil through the use of nano technology. Antoine, a cyberpunk analyst, has been hired to find a new designer drug which is programmed with occult powers. What he soon discover...
Dust - Teaser
A cyberpunk analyst tracks down a dangerous new drug called "Dust" for a pair of elitists looking to transcend humanity.
Horror Film Lovers - VFX Makeup Artist Jade Figueroa Interview
Jade Figueroa is a VFX Make Up artist who works on major motion pictures creating all the blood and guts you see in horror films.